Finding a new planner can be overwhelming. There are thousands of options. Here are my 5 favorite planner companies. None can make the list without having both a great planner, and a great company.
2020 Goal Planners: Which One Should You Choose?
Do you know which direction you are moving in? I love goals because I always feel like I have more direction and purpose when I have a plan. Today I’m reviewing and comparing three different 2020 goal planners so you can choose the one that will work best for you.
2020 Planner Lineup & Setup
With the end of 2019 rapidly approaching, it’s time to show my 2020 Planner Lineup. And I’ve got six different planners to tell you about!
Purple Trail Planner Review
The Purple Trail Planner is the ultimate in customization! With all the options available, you’re sure to find something to fit your lifestyle!
Why I Chose the Coiled Neutral Vertical LifePlanner for 2020
Are you having trouble deciding which Erin Condren LifePlanner to use for 2020? I spent a lot of time going through the pictures to decide which one I wanted. Keep reading to see why I chose the Coiled Neutral Vertical LifePlanner.
I know I’m not the only one who has spent some time on #teamundecided when it comes to the new Erin Condren LifePlanners for 2019-2020. There were a lot of changes this year, and even many of us who have been using a certain style are rethinking what to use for our next planner.
Erin Condren Hardbound vs Coiled LifePlanners
Even within the Erin Condren planner family, there are different options to choose from. Today I’m sharing all the differences and similarities between the Erin Condren Hardbound (now Softbound) and Coiled LifePlanners.
Erin Condren Hardbound Life Planner Review
It’s time for another planner review! Today I’ll be telling you all about the 2019 Erin Condren Hardbound LifePlanner.