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Most people have forgotten or given up on their goals for 2020 by February. But you aren’t like them. Here’s 3 simple ways to recommit to your goals and make them happen this year!

I received the Wellness Bundle from Erin Condren for free as part of the #ECBootcamp Challenge. All opinions are honest and my own. I love Erin Condren products and would never recommend something I didn’t love.
Follow along on social media with this post and others with the #ECBootcamp. I can’t wait to see how you are recommitting to your goals too.
We are half way through February now. How are you doing on your 2020 goals? If you are still going strong, or even just still making progress, good for you!
But maybe you aren’t. For me, I’ve been struggling with my health goals the most, mostly the food related ones.
A couple years ago I started eating healthier after having some unexplained health problems. And it worked. By adding in more fruits, vegetables, and lean meats and cutting out all the stuff I knew I shouldn’t be eating anyway, I started to feel better.
But the holidays got to me this year, and I started to slip, and then just fully jumped back into my old eating habits. And I felt the difference. I was more tired and sluggish. Worst of all, I started snapping at my family for things that normally wouldn’t have bothered me.
New Years Goals
New Year’s seemed like the logical choice to go back to my healthy habits. Some habits were easier. I started walking regularly again with my Dad.
Some habits were not so easy, like eating sugary and processed snacks. But I’ve found some things that help me to stay motivated. And even better, help me to recommit to my goals when I have drifted away from them.
3 Ways to Refresh and Recommit to Your Goals
1. Decide that you will.
We all know those things that we should do. But until you decide that you are going to do them, you will keep putting off the choice.
You think, “I should start exercising.” Then when you wake up in the morning and consider exercising, you’ll probably just think that you will do it tomorrow instead.
However, when you make a plan like “tomorrow at 8 am I will go for a walk/run around the neighborhood,” you are much more likely to follow through. This needs to be a real decision though, not just saying something as an excuse to put off not doing it right then.
Make the decision early, and then when you are faced with taking action, the decision has already been made and you won’t need to make it again.
Also helpful is to prepare everything you need to follow through. Make it easy on yourself. Lay out your workout clothes. Make a menu plan and buy the food you need for those meals. When you have what you need to make a good decision, that’s one less thing you can use as an excuse to get out of it.
2. Track your choices, and the results.
Tracking is so important!! Because if you aren’t tracking what you are doing and the progress you are making, how will you even know when you have hit a milestone or accomplished your goal?
Any goal can be tracked. Whether there are specific stats you can record, or just have a list of all the steps that are needed for a project that will be completed. Whatever your goal is, find a way to track the progress you are making.
I track my health habits regularly. Because of my experiences with my health going all wacko in the past, there are two things I learned. First is that my health needs to be a priority for me. I know what it felt like when things were not good, and I want to make sure that if it happens again, it’s not because I wasn’t taking care of myself. Second, tracking what I’m doing and eating and feeling is key. I need to know what I ate that made me feel sick, or tired, or cranky. Seeing correlations between my mental health and exercise and sleep and food and ALL OF THAT can help me know where I need to improve.

Plus, seeing my progress written on paper actually helps me to stay motivated to keep working on my goals. Knowing I’ll write down my exercise makes me want to fill in those boxes. Tracking my food helps me to make choices that I won’t cringe at later when I’m writing them down. Even better, when I can write down that I had a new personal record for fitness, or that I lost a few pounds, that just helps me to do what I need to so I can have more of those moments.
How to Track Your Healthy Goals & Habits
And I absolutely love the Erin Condren Wellness Bundle for tracking my health related goals. There is room to write down all the important details that I’m trying to keep track of. This can be a great tool to use when you need to recommit to your goals.

The Erin Condren Wellness Bundle includes:
- Petite Planner Wellness Log
- Habit Tracker Notepad
- 6 pack of Dual Tip Markers (Sunrise Colors)
- Functional Sticker Sheet Pack
There is so much you can track in the Wellness Planner! Each week has a two page spread. On the first side you can track your activity/exercise, water intake, daily steps, and hours slept. The second page is where you track what you ate.

Something I’ve customized for my situation is in the snack column. Instead of tracking the snacks I eat, I’m using that space to write any significant health notes for the day. If a day is just average, I’m not going to write that down. But I want to be able to go back and see what I was eating and doing that might have triggered symptoms or a mood change.
At the end of each month there are also monthly progress pages where you can track your measurements, update your goals, remember accomplishments you had, your goal progress, and make plans for next month.

And since I’m a planner addict through and through, anytime I get to use stickers and pretty pens is a plus. Because the Wellness Bundle includes Dual Tip Markers and stickers, you also have everything you need to make it fun too.
The last item from the Wellness Bundle is the Habit Tracker Notepad. I love that they included this as part of the bundle because habits are an important part of goals too. Many goals actually are habits that we want to establish. And the habit tracker sheets are the perfect size to fit into the back pocket of the Wellness Planner. So you can keep everything you are tracking together in one place.

Tracking is important for me because I need to be able to look back and have a record of my healthy habits. But the monthly review is exactly what makes this perfect for working on my goals because it gives me a space to reflect and adjust what I’m doing for the next month. Plus, don’t underestimate the value of celebrating your accomplishments!
I also have a video showing more about how I’m using the Wellness Bundle that you can see on YouTube.
3. Remember your why.
Very few people, if anyone at all, can stay motivated towards their goals without remembering why they are doing it. There is always a “why” behind all of your goals. Take time to figure it out, write it down, and then review it OVER AND OVER! Remember WHY you want to make the choices so when it gets hard you’ll have a reason more than just “feeling like it” to recommit to your goals and keep going.
Keep Going
After a few weeks (or days) the novelty of the new year goals starts to fade. Getting up early to exercise doesn’t sound as invigorating anymore. Eating vegetables instead of cookies can get discouraging.
But aren’t these the same goals we were excited about in January? We still want the same end result. We want to learn, and grow, be better, and make progress. Don’t let your dreams drift away just because it’s not as fun anymore. Or maybe because it wasn’t as fun as you hoped it would be.
The results will be fun. Having your “why” will be rewarding. You can do this! I believe in you! Now let me know in the comments what goal you are going to recommit to working on. I can’t wait to hear about the progress you are making! And check out the Erin Condren Wellness Bundle for tracking all those healthy goals! Psss… You can also get $10 off your first purchase by signing up here.

Recommit to Your Goals