Powersheets Goal Planner Review

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If you have found that goal setting just doesn’t seem to work for you, you might just need to change your approach. Today I’m reviewing the Powersheets Intentional Goal Planner by Cultivate What Matters.

2020 Powersheets Goal Planner by Cultivate What Matters Review - Finding a new way to set goals. #goalplanner #howtosetgoals #goalsetting #powersheets

I love goal setting. I’m a firm believer that it’s a huge part of turning our lives into something better.

Because we need to know where we are going.

Despite my goal setting intentions and passion about needing goals, just setting them never seems to do much good. Knowing what to do after deciding on a goal is even harder than knowing what the goal should be in the first place.

That being said, I’ve been trying the same thing every year, promising that this year will be different. And while I don’t feel that I have ever just stood still, the progress that I have made is usually not in the areas that I intended to work at. Or the areas that probably need to have more of my focus.

So being the planner addict that I am, Cultivate What Matters caught my attention with their Powersheets Intentional Goal Planner during this past year. They were already sold out, so I *very patiently* waited for the new release in October. And I’m happy to say that I now hold my own copy in my hands.

Well, not literally right now. I’m typing… But it is sitting right next to me.

At $60, Powersheets are not cheap. But I am so deeply intrigued by the potential of this book, I knew I had to try it. If I’m able to follow through and make more progress than in past years, then it will be well worth the money.

2020 Powersheets Goal Planner by Cultivate What Matters Review - Finding a new way to set goals. #goalplanner #howtosetgoals #goalsetting #powersheets

Truth be told… I almost didn’t buy it. After all the binge watching of YouTube videos about Powersheets and searching Instagram hashtags and Pinterest… I almost didn’t buy it when they revealed the new version.

Because of something cosmetic.

At one point (and multiple times after when I would start to dwell on it), I had the thought… You aren’t buying just a physical book or a planner; you are buying the process. And if the process works, you’ll get the results regardless of physical product.

See the thing is…

Quality Doesn’t Matter (but it still has amazing quality)

I’m going to give you a full review of the physical planner (if you can even call it a planner). Because I realize that can be an important factor to consider. And to make it easy, it is a really well made, quality planner. But here’s the thing about Powersheets….

It doesn’t really matter how good the quality is. I mean, it’s important that they try. But as long as it doesn’t fall apart through the year… that’s enough. There are hundreds of planners out there. Many of them have similar, if not better, quality. So I’ll tell you about the quality of the materials, but that’s not what makes Powersheets different or special, or even worth the money. Anyone can make a nice quality book. But it’s the pages inside that are important.

But the selling point of Powersheets is not that it is a planner that physically is good quality. The difference of Powersheets is in the process. The process, and the potential to make progress on my goals, that’s why I was willing to spend the money. (There are a lot of great quality planners with similar physical features and lower cost that I wouldn’t buy).

And I will keep you updated through the year at how that process is working for me. Because that is worth reviewing more than how it is made.

The Details of Powersheets

Powersheets are a 12 month dated goal planner (January-December 2020). In past years, I’m not sure what was “dated” in it other than having a section for each month. But this year they added a monthly calendar spread to each monthly section.

The planner measures 8.5×10 inches. This was one thing that concerned me. I tend to prefer a slightly smaller size. But I am happy that it doesn’t feel as big as I was expecting it too. We’ll see how it goes through the year. I do plan to keep it open on my desk to make sure that I am regularly checking in and marking off my daily tasks (that’s something I always struggle to remember to do).


Past years have included a soft cover. This year they decided to go with something more durable (although it seemed like their soft cover could withstand quite a bit). To be honest, I don’t like that it now comes in a hard cover. (I don’t like the binding either, but we’ll talk about that in a minute). This was the main thing that almost prevented me from ordering it. I know a lot of people love the hard cover books. But I usually prefer a soft cover. I find it to be easier to handle, and much lighter to carry.

That being said, I do absolutely love the cover designs this year. I chose Confetti and it is even prettier in person than I expected it to be. The foil accents are perfect, and the colors just make me happy.

So although it’s not my favorite, I realize that I’m probably in the minority with this. Many people that I saw were thrilled about the new covers. And now that I have it, I’m really glad I decided to go ahead and order it. Once it’s open on my desk, I don’t think I will notice or mind nearly as much… and it is really, really pretty!

(The pictures don’t do it justice!)

2020 Powersheets Goal Planner by Cultivate What Matters Review - Finding a new way to set goals. #goalplanner #howtosetgoals #goalsetting #powersheets

They also added metal gold reinforced corners to add even more durability and protection. They look beautiful and give the book a high end feel and appearance.

And apparently it is water resistant. During multiple live videos prior to the launch, Lara Casey actually poured a little water on the cover (both the linen and the printed). After wiping it off, there was no trace of water damage. I’m not sure how this would hold up over time. And the pages aren’t going to react the same for sure. But it’s nice to know that a little splash won’t warp the cover instantly.


I was pleasantly surprised by the thickness of the paper. From what I had heard in other reviews, I was expecting it to be thinner. It’s not the thickest paper I’ve seen, but it certainly isn’t the worst. The specs on their website say that it is 120 gsm.

And I love that it is a smooth paper. I’ve gotten used to using paper with a little more texture since switching to the Erin Condren LifePlanner. But I definitely prefer the smoother papers.

Dividers & Tabs

These dividers are incredibly thick! Much thicker than Erin Condren or Happy Planner dividers. Plus they are coated, which I’ve heard makes them pretty durable.

The tabs are laminated and also seem to be a great quality. I’m sure they will be able to hold up through the year. I’m really impressed with how they feel.

2020 Powersheets Goal Planner by Cultivate What Matters Review - Finding a new way to set goals. #goalplanner #howtosetgoals #goalsetting #powersheets

Binding Style

This year they have switched from a coil binding to the double O binding. It tends to be the common choice when using a hard cover, but just like the hard cover, I’m not a fan. I find it to be flimsy and easily bend. It also can make it hard to turn the page when not in just the right spot. And finally, I’ve had it catch on things as I’m moving it around because of the openings in the coil.


I love the look of the Powersheets pages. Most of the functional and coaching pages are a simple black and white design. But there are quite a few pages throughout that have beautiful colorful designs and foil. It’s rare to see foiled pages within a planner. Some planners will put them on dividers, but I love the random foiled quote pages scattered through the Powersheets.

New to the 2020 version is a larger text size. Since I didn’t see last year’s I can’t compare between the two. But I do find the text this year to be easy enough to read.

Other Powersheets Features

2020 Powersheets Goal Planner by Cultivate What Matters Review - Finding a new way to set goals. #goalplanner #howtosetgoals #goalsetting #powersheets

Pocket (new to 2020) – It is really tight and probably wont hold much. But I figure it’s enough to hold a few sheets of stickers and the bonus cards that came with my order. I wouldn’t expect it to hold much though.

Stickers – Each set of Powersheets has one sheet of glossy stickers that are bound within the book. It has both functional and decorative stickers that match the design of the planner (you can see them below).

Cards – As I mentioned above, each order comes with a few cards. There is a pink postcard with foiled writing with Lara’s signature quote. It also comes with two larger 5×7 inch decorative cards; one with social media information on the back, and the other is blank on the back. And the last one is a smaller square foiled card for your word of the year. They are all really pretty and would be perfect to put in a place where you can see them through the year.

2020 Powersheets Goal Planner by Cultivate What Matters Review - Finding a new way to set goals. #goalplanner #howtosetgoals #goalsetting #powersheets

It’s What’s on the Inside that Counts

When Powersheets started 7 or 8 years ago, they released them as inserts to put inside a 3-ring binder. Which is how they got their name: PowerSHEETS.

I love that now it has evolved into a bound notebook style planner. Everything is kept together. And it would be easy to look back at the end of the year to see all the progress you’ve made.

But like I mentioned earlier, it’s not about the book itself that makes it special. It’s the inside pages and what it has the potential to help you do.

So let’s talk about some of the aspects that make it different from other planners; even different from other goal planners.

Powersheets Prep Work

This is one of the main things that makes Powersheets different from other goal planners.

Powersheets begin with a section of prep work. These are 22 workbook style pages that help you figure out what your goals should be.

Scattered through the prep work section are coaching pages that help guide you through the prep work. These pages give motivation, and help you to dig a little deeper to uncover things that will help you set the best goals.

2020 Powersheets Goal Planner by Cultivate What Matters Review - Finding a new way to set goals. #goalplanner #howtosetgoals #goalsetting #powersheets

Goals & Action Plans

The next tabbed section is all about finalizing and creating action plans for your goals that you have uncovered in the prep work. Along with more coaching style pages, there is a page to list your final goals and a two page spread for each of the goals you have chosen. Powersheets has space for eight different goals, which is down from the 10 that it was in last year’s version.

I love that through the whole planner, there is always guidance. You are never lost at trying to figure out what it means or what to do.

Monthly Section & Tending List

There is a tabbed section in Powersheets for each month of 2020. Each section has eight pages to guide you through making progress on your larger goals during the month.

There are guided brainstorming pages (and more coaching in the January section) and a two page monthly calendar at the beginning of each monthly section.

Then it moves on to the monthly tending list. This is where you plan out the action steps for your goals that you want to work on that month. It includes space for larger projects/one time tasks, weekly tasks, and daily tasks.

There are guided brainstorming pages (and more coaching in the January section) and a two page monthly calendar at the beginning of the section.

Then it moves on to the monthly tending list. This is where you plan out the action steps for your goals that you want to work on that month. It includes space for larger projects/one time tasks, weekly tasks, and daily tasks.

2020 Powersheets Goal Planner by Cultivate What Matters Review - Finding a new way to set goals. #goalplanner #howtosetgoals #goalsetting #powersheets

At the end there is space for reflection on the month, and blank pages where you can add Wildcards.

Wildcards are additional pages that you can order or print online for free that help you focus on one specific goal or aspect of your life. Some of the pages include a perpetual calendar, finance check ins, note pages, organization & decluttering, meal planning, and goals at a glance. There are 24 options to choose from, or use the space to track whatever you want.

I want to use some of the pages to make notes of significant things that happen during the month. Then when I get to the end of the year I can look back and see the highlights of the year.

Quarterly Refresh

There are three quarterly check-ins through the planner: Spring, Summer, and Fall. There is no Winter, because that’s when you’d be filling out the new Powersheets for the next year.

Each quarter has a seasonal prompt page and space to reevaluate your goals and change them if necessary. There is also another blank Wildcard page that can be used however you want.

Year in Review

And finally at the end of December, there is a reflecting page where you can write a highlight from each month.

I think this page is intended to be completed at the end of the year, but it also might be fun to fill it out as the year goes on instead of trying to remember what happened during specific months of the year.

Another option would be if you were keeping track of highlights each month, then it would be nice to look back over all your months, and pick the highlight that stands out the most.

Either way, I think just knowing this page is there is a great way to keep you aware during the year so you start looking for the good things through each month.

Final Thoughts about Powersheets

I can’t tell you yet whether the process within Powersheets works. (I’ll keep you updated as I do the prep work and goal pages through the year). But I really think Lara Casey (who is the creator) is on to something.

First of all, the motto of “progress not perfection” really resonates with me. It just makes sense that taking small steps will eventually add up to big progress. And my favorite saying, “done is better than perfect,” also goes along with the Powersheets mission.

Second, I think it’s about time that someone created a process of figuring out what our goals should be for the year. And it works in a way that makes it extremely personal to each person.

Something I’ve been realizing lately is how many “goals” I had that were things that I thought I “should” do, but they aren’t actually part of how I want my life to look.

Now as I plan my goals in my Powersheets, I really want to focus on why it is important to me. And not just strive for it because I think I am supposed to want it.

I’m really excited to start filling out the pages! And just like I mentioned in this post about goal setting for the rest of 2019, I’m looking forward to using next year’s goals to help me know what I can work on for the rest of this year to gain momentum for 2020.

2020 Powersheets Goal Planner by Cultivate What Matters Review - Finding a new way to set goals. #goalplanner #howtosetgoals #goalsetting #powersheets
My Something Beautiful Life
2020 Powersheets Goal Planner by Cultivate What Matters Review - Finding a new way to set goals. #goalplanner #howtosetgoals #goalsetting #powersheets

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  1. Thanks so much for sharing this review! I’ve been wondering if I should buy Powersheets for awhile now. I am a big fan of Lara, and her podcast is just so inspiring and amazing. So I’m sure anything she touches will be great. The price point is a little steep for me on a planner, but I can totally understand what you mean about paying more for the process than an actual planner itself. I’m looking forward to reading your updates on it, and maybe I’ll purchase it for 2021!


    1. Hey Ashley! Lara is pretty awesome! I love how she always is so encouraging and tells everyone they are wonderful! I totally agree about the price. I usually won’t buy any planner without some sort of sale or coupon. But I’ll be sure to let you know my thoughts in updates so you can decide for next year (or they usually release a 6 month version sometime in the new year). Thanks for stopping by and for your comment! ❤️

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