Do you know which direction you are moving in? I love goals because I always feel like I have more direction and purpose when I have a plan. Today I’m reviewing and comparing three different 2020 goal planners so you can choose the one that will work best for you.
10 Ways to Use a Deluxe Monthly Planner
One of my absolute favorite Erin Condren products is the Deluxe Monthly Planner. And the reason why I love it so much is because there are so many ways you can use them to master a specific area of your life.
inkWELL Press Daily Planner Setup
The inkWELL Press Daily Planner inserts are perfect for those busy seasons when there is more to keep track of than will fit in a weekly planner.
Planning in a Micro Happy Planner
My friend, Rachel (you can find her on Instagram here, and also be sure to check out her Facebook page), made me this awesomely cute little Micro Happy Planner and I just couldn’t resist showing it to you guys!
Revisiting My Filofax Wallet: 2 Years Later
Two years ago I posted how I was using a Filofax Finsbury Personal for a wallet. And today my Filofax wallet is still my favorite wallet that I’ve had! I’ve made a few changes over the years, and I wanted to show you what I have done and why I love it so much.
July 2019 Plan With Me in the NEW Erin Condren LifePlanner!
It’s Planner Move-in Season and I’m so excited to show you how I set up my new Erin Condren LifePlanner in this July 2019 Plan with Me!
Why I Chose the Coiled Neutral Vertical LifePlanner for 2020
Are you having trouble deciding which Erin Condren LifePlanner to use for 2020? I spent a lot of time going through the pictures to decide which one I wanted. Keep reading to see why I chose the Coiled Neutral Vertical LifePlanner.
I know I’m not the only one who has spent some time on #teamundecided when it comes to the new Erin Condren LifePlanners for 2019-2020. There were a lot of changes this year, and even many of us who have been using a certain style are rethinking what to use for our next planner.
Braindump Methods for Reducing Stress
Stress comes to all of us sometimes. But it doesn’t have to take over out lives. Try these braindump methods to beat the overwhelm and get back to gettin’ it done!
2019 Erin Condren Finance Planner Setup
One thing I have found is that I absolutely need a separate planner for my finances. Check out how I have set up my Finance Planner and I hope it gives you some ideas on setting up your own!
2019 Planner Setup – Classic Happy Planner
2019 is coming so fast… Check out my 2019 Planner Setup in a Classic Happy Planner!